
2018 post-Christmas status report

Haven’t really done much that can be shown, did some more tile-set editing, which are not used in any map yet, so won’t be in the game any time soon.

Did some bug fix.

Tried to complete the System for taking loans, and I am now searching for any potential oversight I might have.

Finished the hand job scene that I shown last time. Though I plan to have more events done before releasing the next build.

Also, finished drawing this civilian outfit that would be interdicted in an event chain that I have not even started making at all:


December 12th, status report

Sorry for the absent. I have been busy lately.
Not much was done on the game.

I finished a makeshift date system, that'd show the date, month, year on the menu. Which I am plaining to replace with an actual script based one in the future.

Working on a system that allows you to take loans from the Trading League. I am trying to get all the possible scenario covered.

Very little was done on the next step of the Duke's event chain, mostly on the artwork but still very little.

Made some spirit and tile-set editing, which are unlikely to show up in the next version though.