
Late January Progress Report

Hey guys, how's going on? I am currently drawing the art for next mini event, as you can see above. With the corresponding character sprite of it already done.

And I added lewd graffiti that unlocks after certain events, there will be at least 3 places in the next release:

Also, the Lunar New Year will be next week, I doubt I will be able to do enough to give you guys another update for a while, so in case i don't see ya: Happy Lunar New Year.


Early 2022 Progress Report

Hello guys, hope you all had a nice holiday. Slowly crawling back to work here. Just added the confession chamber, technically not "added" but finally made it fictional. Nothing too special, it's just gonna be an option to lower your impurity by spending SP.

Also, I tried out a script I found that changes the title screen picture, it will be effect by the impurity level of the latest save file.

Next, I will be making one more new mini-event. And another H event might be barbarian culture/trust event, or a follow up to the Duke line, or maybe  something with the Queen and 'Mina, not really sure. Then some non-H progressing events,

Also I got some feedbacks that they really want the duke dead. I'd admit the option of removing his is planned(or rather been considered) but it was to only meant for latter game, and won't be too easy to accomplish. Thus this is very low on my to-do list, since this will make the Duke's contains inaccessible and remove all the pros and cons he brings, while adding a permanent debuff to Prestige,

So should I give in to the demand and put this higher on the to-do list? I think I will make a poll for my patrons to decide: Here (You have to be patron to vote obviously)

BTW I accidentally stumbled upon this, might be useful if the game's low frame rate is annoying to you:


Though, I saw some issue with the plug-in script I am using for terrain, nothing would breaks the game as far as I know.

Also, I'd like to take to the creator to see whether this issue could be fix, and whether I could include this program in my releases for the latter update.