
Status Report


I am planning on making a follow up to the barbarian raid on the farm province. Make it so you will have to start dealing with the barbarian tribes of Bailabaikal.

So here's a sight of Bailabaikal.Had some trouble making a convincing forest, until I gave up using tileset for it.

It'd still need some adjustment here and there to have a more tribal look. though this'd work for the moment while I start working on other stuff.


0.06c Bug fix!

-Fixed the bug where you crush if you try to enter in the city after finishing the bandit event.

-Also the bug that stop you from enter the town hall of Carmeli.

-Some other minor ones.


Minor bug fix for 0.06b

Updated the game, fixed some bugs.
there were some bug with the new bed room event.
and a few minor bugs that was carried over from previous versions.



Queen in Deficit Ver. 0.06 Release

 Download Link

There are 2 new H events. Though one of them has one unfinished art work. I decided that rather than dragging the release further just for that. I will just release this build of the game this weekend without finishing the last art work (which is just a close up shot of characters' heads.)

As usual Please report any bug you encountered. Any feedback would also be appreciated.
Thanks, and have fun.

 Change Log:

-Some Bug Fixes/ Re-Balancing

-One more H-event in the Painter event chain which brings it to a conclusion.

-Conclusion to the border bandits events.

-An event with Williamina (the bodyguard),which you can access in the bed room. But there's one unfinished art work in it.

-Opened up the Town Hall of Carmeli with an intro. It’s for a branch latter.