
Queen in Deficit Ver. 0.29a Release


Hey guys, the release is here, this update is mainly focused on the Duke, and you can start plotting his downfall now if you want to. There are also a few QOL small changes.

And last but not least, thanks for sticking around and thanks for all the support.  And please report any bug you encounter, thanks, have fun!

MEGA Link 

Change Log:

  • -New H-event in the Duke route, this marks the end of the normal Duke route.

  • -New H-event in the Duke Bold action route, this marks the end of the bold action route, you can trigger it outside the bedroom.

  • -Refusal to be contained with the status quo with the Duke can lead to new conversation with Nighveil.

  • -You can also trigger the new conversation with Nighveil, if you subjugated the Duke by force and then lost control of him for 3 times.

  • -Added two new Reforms that further increases tax income.

  • -Minor fixes where spending money in national decision it shows the result immediately.

  • -Minor change to the Duke's horse ride and hunting events to clarify that the bold event chain is triggered in even-number weeks.

  • -During the bandit event, Verrtignis on world map will now show the strength of the bandits.

  • -Now you can load your save file from the in game menu instead from the start menu.


0.28d Bug Fix for Queen in Deficit


Hey guys, just some bug fixes passing though here.

Please make sure you are running the latest version for optimized experience :

MEGA Link . GD Link

Change Log:

  • -Fixed the bug in the succession even that gets the game stuck.
  • -Fixed the bug where Williamina won't heal when you try the fight with the Head of the Wolf again.
  • -Fixed the bug in the recollection room where the latest lost H event would be covered by black screen.
  • -Forgot to mention, but you can buy better gear for Williamina in town square if you lost the fight with the Head of the Wolf for the first time. 
  • -Other minor fixes.
  • -Fixed the bug when after won against the Head of the Wolf you got stuck as Williamina, and unable to continue the game.


Queen in Deficit Ver. 0.28a Release


Hey guys, the release is here, hope you will like it, sorry I kept you waiting, thanks for sticking around and thanks for all your support. 

Oh and please report any bug you may encounter, thanks.

MEGA Link . GD Link

Change Log:

  • -Fixed the bug at the end of the Duke's castle mini game the game freeze if you answer "Yes".

  • -Change the succession event-chain forceful happening to 30 weeks.

  • -Added new rebellion variation: the noble rebels in the rebel system, which will rise up when both Prestige and Prosperity get low.

  • -Added new flavor progression dialogue with some of the NPCs in the hometown.

  • -Added portrait sprite for Lead Prostitute Hedera.

  • -New H and non-H events, one each, in the succession chain.

  • -New progression and H event in the war with the Barbarian line.


0.27f Bug Fixe for Queen in Deficit


Hey guys, some more bug fixes here, I just can't eliminate them once and for all.

Unfortunately the lag issue with the stealth mini-game still can't be solved once and for all, the most effective temporal fix is in the updated "read if the game doesn't work properly" txt file.

Make sure you are running the latest version for optimized experience :

MEGA Link . GD Link

Change Log:

  • -Fixed the bug in the mini game in some encounters with the maids the game frozes dead.

  • -Fixed the bug in the mini game where if you go to the lobby from 2f you won't be able to return.

  • -Fixed the bug in the mini game where some paintings changes when you investigate them.

  • -Fixed the bug in the mini game in some more location where the sex sprite would not disappear after the scene.

  • -Other minor fixes.

  • -Added an option to skip the mini-game at the start of it, since I still cannot find the cause of serious lag in the mini-game that some people encountered.


0.27e Bug Fixe for Queen in Deficit


Hey guys, just another bug fixes passing though, apparently I just can't eliminate them once and for all.
Make sure you are running the latest version for optimized experience :

MEGA Link . GD Link

Change Log:

  • -Fixed the bug where the latest Duke event wouldn't give a black screen in repeat. 
  • -Fixed the bug in the slum bar where if you didn't pay the bartender in any way the first time and pay him the  second time talk to him the game crushes.


0.27d Bug Fixe for Queen in Deficit


Hey guys, just some minor bug fixes passing though.
Make sure you are running the latest version for optimized experience :

MEGA Link . GD Link

Change Log:

  • -Fixed the bug where the latest Duke event wouldn't unlock in the recollection room.

  • -Fixed the bug where if you play the latest barrack whore event while still being a virgin, it will not show in the character status.


0.27b&c Bug Fixe for Queen in Deficit


Hey guys, sorry for the inconvenience, just a quick bug fixes.
Make sure you are running the latest version for optimized experience :

MEGA Link . GD Link

Change Log:

  • -Fixed the bug where the barrack's whore morale raising event chain would skip to the latest scene.
  • -Fixed the bug in the mini game where servants would keep walking after encounter
  • -Fixed the bug in the mini game in some location where the sex sprite would not disappear after the scene.
  • -Fixed the bug in the recollection room where the latest Duke event would start out as unlocked. 
  • -Other minor fixes.
  • -Fixed the bug in the Duke's bold action event where the event stops in the middle.